follow linda ikeji to blog and make money
As it is always said blogging is not a get rich quick scheme, it need time, effort
and above all patience. you also need a role model(mentor) to put you through.
linda ikeji
started blogging since in 2006, with, or earlier than
this, from 2006 to 2015 is 9 years,
meaning 9 years of hard work and
patience. This why you cannot start
blogging today and make money tomorrow, anyone telling you that you can make
money blogging quickly is either one of the two, he either did not understand
the whole concept of blogging or wanted to sell something to you, and if such
person makes any money at all then he is scamming innocent bloggers like you.
linda ikeji was a modeler, she started modeling
since from her undergraduate days but unsuccessfully
quit it to writing about models, that’s her niche, entertainment (event,
gossips, news, fashion, etc). You see to succeed in blogging you need to have a
niche, by sticking to niche it makes you an expert in that field and any other
information you are going to share will be valuable to your readers. I know by
writing about one hundred unique post on either forex, stocks, soap making ,
dating etc you must have gain a large hip of knowledge, you most have probably
conducted researches here and there before coming up with all your post. Remember
they say “practice makes perfect”. And
when new readers find a blog with numerous post about a topic that they are
interested, they come back again and again until they finish it. This means
they will either bookmark it, subscribe to it or save it. This is how recurring
traffics occur.
She update
her blog every day , at least 10 to 20 post in 24 hours or more, this is a sign
of dedication and focus,. To succeed as a blogger you need dedication , you
have to create blogging schedule for
yourself, it could be 1 to 3 post per day or 7 post per week or 20 post per month. You need to have a blogging
plan this is what will help you to hit your benchmark and to measure the level
of your success. Blogging without planning will not help, remember they say “by failing to plan you are planning to fail”
Linda ikeji blog
is not much design or optimized for search engines but it generate millions of
traffics, how? Through words of mouth. This means the blogs are meaningful and
helpful to the readers; remember they say they best advertisement is the words
of mouth. What people say about your blogs in the offline world is the best
thing for your blog. This is why your blog must be unique, google also love
unique content.
Linda ikeji
started blogging since from 2006 but only started making money in 2012, more
than five years after, what does this signifies, patience! In Hausa language they say, mai hakuri shi yakan dafa dusti har yasha
romonsa, meaning with patience nothing is impossible, you need patience
to succeed as a blogger.
You cannot
start blogging today and money will flow tomorrow, it doesn’t work in this way,
it need time couple with patience and hard work, if you really want to make
money in blogging , you need a role
model and linda can be one of them and to be
like linda you have to act like linda, how? You do what she do, what i mean here
you follow the above tips i outlined above.
Great article! The tips are valuable and patience cannot be overemphasized.
Very Simple to read and valuable tips!! Thanks for sharing this article!!!! Buzz Applications