3 Ways To Monetize Your Website

 Website monetization   is the process of generating revenue from your website by displaying your own or advertisers’ product on your website.  The website owners make money by directing traffics from his/her website to the product of the advertiser. The advertiser pays a percentage of the generated revenue to the publishers or the website owner. Sometime the publisher is paid when an online visitor click on the displayed adds.
 There are several ways to monetize your website or blogs, but here we are going to discuss on the top ways that are easy and rewarding.
·          Affiliate marketing:  Affiliate marketing is the practice of displaying advertiser/merchant product on a publishers website or blog, the  advertiser  display his adds  on your website  after you have join  the affiliate program, the publisher or the website owner make the money  as a result of the commission paid. The commission is a percentage of the   product prices, or service subscription fee, or   some money that may range from few to hundreds of dollars.
An affiliate commission may be based on paid per click or pay per subscription or pay per action etc.
·          Google adsense:  Google adsense is a special programme design by Google.com to help publishers to earn some income from their website or blog.  Google adsense is a p pay per click advertisers /merchant to publisher programme.
·          Publisher who want opt in to this affiliate relation must fulfill certain criteria, especially website content quality as well as traffic quality. Merchant are also required to fulfill some certain criteria before they will be accepted in to the programme.
 Adsense is o one of the great way to generate revenue from website ones they are integrated.
 One thing with Google adsense is that you need a lot of web traffics to generate any meaningful income from your website because few people will actually click on the ads.
·          Apart from adsense there are other programmes that integrate cost per click {CPC} Programs. for example chitika, clicksor, bidvertiser etc.
·         Advertising space:  you can monetize your website by selling advertising space on your website.   When your website is getting much traffics merchant may be interested in your  space and therefore may ask  for the display of adds on your website, you make money by charging advertisement fee  from the advertisers
·         PRODUCT REVIEWS: writing a product review is a form of affiliate marketing. In product reviewing you focus your articles on a particular products or services, for example if you  write several article about how to use a  laptop Toshiba,  fire TV, nokia, lumia, hotels, etc   you stands the chance of making money from it if there is  a n affiliate  programme . Product reviews work best that another form of affiliate market in the sense that it target a particular product, it  traffics are targeted and more great things about it is that 90% of people  read one or more product review before buying  product online
·          Sell your product on your website. This is also a great way to monetize your website.
see monetizing your twitter account  Ads placement alternative to adsense


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