Going To School Is Still The Best Option; Skill Acquisition/Entrepreneurship Is Not A Guarantee For Making Money!
I came across a topic
posted on nairaland, one of the most visited Nigerian online forum, titled “rejoinderto when a university degree never guarantee a job” and another post titled
I want to regret going to school”.
the first writer when after listing on points when further to narrate
that his friend that is an electrician is successful, earning a lots in his
business, is happily married with two kids, erecting a nice building, own a car
and has a huge savings in the bank, while he that went to the university to
obtain a degree is still struggling with job hunt. The second writer narrates a
story of a restaurant, developed by illiterates that are earning a substantial income on daily bases.
The two writers went
further to enumerate the disadvantages of obtaining a university degree while
highlighting the pros of going to apprenticeship or simply entrepreneurship and
this misinformation
is not only found on nairaland ,
therefore there is the urge for me to come up with this write up s to address
this misconception that has been blown out to the public and also
arrest the effects it may have on the mind of its readers..See After NYSC Job, Msc or Marriage
first of all let me differentiate between a university
and market business or entrepreneurship, a university is center of learning, a
place where personalities are made, I could remember in my secondary school
day, a professor who happens to be an ex-boy of my of the school visited us and
thrown a question at us to define a university, we all said the best we know ,
but he put it down and went further to define a university as a factory for
reproducing human personalities, he stated that we aren’t
doctors but university made us to
be doctors, we aren’t lawyers but it
made us to be, we aren’t engineers but
university turn us to be, he iron out that university is where professors,
doctors, lawyers, engineers are made. The end product is to build
whereas a an entrepreneurship or apprenticeship or market is a center for buying and
selling, the certificate for going into the above is how much you have earned. That’s all
and nothing else.
Entrepreneurship or business is not a guarantee for making
money, many people who went into business do not all come out successful, majority
of them are still living hand to mouth. Some just lose their capital and only
few are actually successful, therefore by going into entrepreneurship, it does
not mean that you will make as Mr. A or Mr. B.
not all what you see
businessmen are turning is what they are earning, look at the net profit they
are making, some may be turning large sum of money but actually what they earn
may be little; it may include the capital itself, loans, goods
on credit etc, their net profit may be low., in fact if you can approach some
and ask them they will tell you they are not anything, they are not lieing!. If
you can compare their net profit on monthly bases to what some senior civil
servant are earning per month you could see that they are not better. You can
understand this by the kind of lifestyle and standard of their living. see why NYSC should be stopped
all this business you see , people are running
successfully , it is not built overnight, it is a product of perseverance , hard
work and patience, it didn’t happen one day, they face challenges upon
challenges, some of them spent more than the years you spend to obtain your
university degree. If you can calculate the time, effort, money, headaches etc
they invest before they reach this level, you will surely say it is a long
The kind of lifestyle
most of this market women, roadside food sellers, automobile mechanics, electrician
are living is not what a mere graduate will appreciate, the hard labor they do
Next time when you see
an entrepreneur running a business successfully weigh the above point and give
them a credit and don’t think that they deserve less than this.
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